Chroma Zone Mural Artist 2024

Mariela Ajras

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mariela Ajras is an Argentine visual artist and muralist. She holds a Bachelor of Psychology (UBA), training that has widely permeated the subject matter and sensitivity of her art. Her career as a large-scale muralist spans ten years and crosses contemporary topics: from the question of the female universe to the historical processes of memory construction and oblivion, always questioning the scope of art in public space with a gender perspective. She has carried out large-scale works in cities such as: Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Saint Paul, Oakland, Honolulu, San Diego, Lynn, Salem, Flint, Barcelona, Valencia, Tarragona, Salamanca, Naples, Louvain, Ciudad of Mexico, Guadalajara, Ciudad Juárez, Morelia, Bogotá, Montevideo,  and Buenos Aires. She currently divides her work between international projects, collaborations with museums in the City, interventions with big brands and practice in her studio.


Mariela Ajras

Mural Title
Mural Title Pending
Chroma Zone, 2024

Mural Location
The Wycliff (South wall)
2327 Wycliff St., Saint Paul, MN 55114

Painting Dates

Image & Video Credit
Chroma Zone is grateful for the many professional photographers and videographers who have donated their time and talent to document Chroma Zone through the years. These include Jon Reynolds, Alex Olson, Ne Dah Ness Greene, Alex Prince and Wyatt Johnson.